Pastor Ramiro Rodriguez, originally from Guerrero, Mexico, arrived in Chicago in 1985. In 2005, he became a member of the Amor de Dios Methodist church and, in 2006, he became the church’s lay pastor because he understood the needs of the Little Village community. In 2009, he took the initiative to start a food pantry with the support of the congregation. Currently, the pantry provides free food for over 200 families every Thursday. On Fridays, with the support of 10 church members, another distribution of food and other goods reaches another 150 families. A large number of the people that visit the pantry are homeless or elderly; without the pantry, they would have difficulty buying food that allows them to eat a nutritious diet full of fruits and vegetables. Many of the pantry volunteers are members of Alcoholics Anonymous; they are able to complete their community service hours, work towards rehabilitation and make positive change in their neighborhood. The church also hosts trainings and programs focused on topics, like nutrition and martial arts, that promote a better quality of life for the residents of La Villita.
Thank you to Pastor Ramiro for his commitment to our community.